So there we were, DJ and I, in his bathroom this morning. ‘Caring’ requires intimacy.
Many generations of ladies have no doubt mastered the intricacies of shaving the male of the species. I am making progress.
Many generations of ladies have no doubt mastered the intricacies of shaving the male of the species. I am making progress.
TH grew a beard because shaving was not a favourite pastime.
I now better understand.
DJ used to shave most competently, but his new shortcut of scraping at his face with a dry blade was causing an awfu’ mess, hence I eventually reached the conclusion that I’d better help out. ‘Dementia Guidebooks’ advocate helping The Someone Affected to do it for themselves…….. but that is only possible for so long. They don’t tell you that.
They give you the pleasure of Finding Out For Yourself. Nice.
Over these months I have discovered You Need Confidence In Yourself. Your instincts can usually be trusted. I guess new parents find this out The Hard Way too. Take Courage Carers.
We shall doubtless meet that one again along the BlogWay.
PS. Any shaving tips to assist technique ?