Thursday, 10 July 2008

Discerning The Time........

Now – what IS ChickPea on about this time ?

‘Discerning The Time’ … could be about the sun……. When Mr Mutt was out for his ‘early’ constitutional recently, the sun was well up, but had not yet reached the zenith. So I guess it must have still been ‘morning’. But getting any closer to digital accuracy would be tricky. Aye, Discerning The Time can be interesting, plus or minus a sundial.

Or it could be about ChickPea’s infamous watch….. An A**a Special (we’d better use the stated principle of Protecting The Innocent – even for A**a…) which cost ChickPea an extravagant £5 when previous watches had Given Up The Struggle or simply Wandered Off Elsewhere. The previous A**a Special was of analogue design, with clockface and hands ……. and a wee chappie on a surfboard (yup - kinda fun !) This yin is digital…….. and ChickPea finds herself doing mental gymnastics to re-visualize the figures as a face with hands…….. ‘cos rarely is she asking “What time is it ?” but “How long have I got till……” or (more often) “How late am I ?” This yin also has the irritating habit of engaging ‘reset’ mode at most inconvenient moments, so even a digital representation of the time is something of a surprise…... Aye, Discerning The Time can be challenging with a digital watch, too……..

Maybe she’s concentrating on ‘The Time’ because ‘The Way’ is actually the relevant question. Where on earth does she go from here ? Where and how will she find employment ? How will she pick up the current pieces and make them fit together in a gainful package ? How will she motivate herself to cope with it all ? Aye. A wee episode of Displacement, maybe. (And complete lack of Discernment of any sort at all).

Perhaps she’s bogged down in ‘Biological Clock’ stuff. That would certainly help explain some of the loopiness we’re seeing (according to ‘Grumpy Old Women’ programmes on UK TV).

Or maybe she’s gone metaphysical on us, and is alluding to Those Moments In Life when you find yourself drawn towards Another, and Wondering………”If I Should”……. or, “If I Might”…..… it may be someone you know, or someone you don’t know – but the dilemma can be similar………. sometimes The Time Is Right to reach out and give…… or to Open Communication Channels and drop the barriers and receive……… and sometimes The Time Is NOT Right, or not appropriate…….. Who Knows ? Aye, Discerning The Time can be most perplexing….

Or it could be that she is still going over and over and over in her heart concerning the unfolding of timing regarding DJ’s re-location of living circumstances into Permanent Residential Care……..

Aye. ‘Discerning The Time’……a dilemma…… and I guess sometimes, despite determination….. you just can’t.…. for yourself. Sometimes you just have to Trust Others, knowing that their ‘outside insights’ are shared thoughtfully, kindly, carefully……… with Love For All Concerned.

Who Knows. (That Immortal ‘Who’ again….)

'Discerning The Time'. What are your experiences and insights ?