Monday, 16 June 2008

Monday Menu : ChickPea Risotto.......

Monday morning. DJ has just been taken away for the day – so I shall take a few minutes for personal therapy before tackling the day’s chores. TH is working late tonight, so there may be more time later on – we shall see.

Risotto – lots of bits and pieces, plenty for a meal. No recipe, just chuck it all in and stir well……..

Q. Did the car trip work and stop DJ fretting about a bus ?
A. Thank you for asking. Not really – no, that’s not quite honest – partially.
It had the effect of quietening the endlessly repetitive phrases for about an hour. It was also fairly therapeutic for me, in that I don’t drive so much these days as I used to, and there are turnings we go past that I fancy exploring. So as I had the car, This Was An Opportunity. We live in a major city – well, kinda suburbs of – but can be out past fields within 5 mins. (Apologies to The Environment – too many car fumes - not so therapeutic on that score, but, I am afraid, this was a Necessary And Lifesaving Manoeuvre ……). After about an hour, when ChickPea was beginning to count her chickens (figuratively speaking), DJ shot them down. From apparently settled, silent state, came : “Am I going to be able to catch the bus then ?” (NO)……. “Have I missed the bus ?” (YES) ……..”I need to get the bus” (WHY’S THAT THEN ?) “I don’t know”……. (THIS IS THE BUS – YOU ARE ON THE BUS)….. “But where do I catch the bus ?”…….
Then the seatbelt was off – Thank God for the childlock.
We got home after about 2 hours’ driving around fabulous countryside. DJ was being fairly quiet again – clutching onto the seat in front (honest – my driving really isn’t that bad…) – hmmmn - not exactly relaxed…... but ‘Aha’ thought ChickPea – ‘Situation Sorted’. .....
“When will I get the bus ?” sez DJ………

Q. Anything to Give Thanks For Today ?
A. Oh yes – thank you for reminding me - sleeping has been improving a little. DJ essentially slept thru (bar some shouting) from about 10pm until 7am yesterday and again last night. ChickPea’s problem now is that the Sleepometer – which was coping remarkably well in the middle of this last fortnight of Grossly Disrupted Sleep - now reckons it can give up coping, has plummeted to below ‘empty’ and is taking a bit of catching up…. And I do believe there’s Sunshine creeping thru the clouds out there.

Q. How was the w/e ?
A. Mixed. Saturday was fairly non-stop, trying to eliminate the pile of Essential Washing, accomplish Essential Chores, and keep DJ clothed. (This has been A Recent Feature – ‘sitting quietly’ – but removing bits of clothing – one afternoon last week, DJ was quiet in his room while ChickPea answered a phonecall, and next thing, there was DJ, not a stitch on, staggering through the house without his zimmer – ‘WHY ?’ – “I don’t know” sez DJ….) Saturday evening had A Bad Moment. I hate stepping in poo. Before Mr Mutt joined us, both TH and I were most indignant when ShoePoo happened. Since Mr Mutt joined us we are probably even more appalled when this happens, as responsible dogpersons do not allow this possibility to occur. But this was in DJ’s room. And Mr Mutt does not venture in there, nor does Ms Mog. That Bad Moment was NOT something I could share with TH, because he has to live here.
Sunday am and DG was with DJ for the service, enabling almost Full Participation for ChickPea – which was Good. A big, fabulous service with orchestra and Haydn’s Little Organ Mass. PK was back. DG, DA and DI were their usual lovely, kind, considerate, supportive selves. Lunch out is always good (especially re. No Cooking, No Washingup…) – we’ll overlook DJ being Increasingly Unpredictable In Public……. TH was then out with the cameras to cover an event loosely related to work, so Mr Mutt, The Wheelchair and I took DJ out into the park – where he fell asleep for a while. Necessary Clearing Up was then attempted as J was in from The Altzheimer’s Assocn to keep DJ company for the evening, allowing ChickPea a few blessed hours off for real Full Participation in a demanding sing but good evensong and post-sing-lubrication.

Guess that’ll do. My cooking skills are fairly rudimentary, I’m afraid. Hope taste was reasonable, not too chewy, probably about 2 out of 10 for presentation……. at least it wasn’t burnt…………