Sunday, 18 May 2008

Sunday 18th May

Ah well – it was worth the try.

I have a ‘regular commitment’ on a Sunday morning, sharing part of ‘Layclerk’s’ former life. DJ was a part of that too, with the support of wonderful friends during the service. Then we had Disaster Sunday when DJ ended up in hospital having collapsed – that was a few months ago. He is a lot better now, and had his hearing aid arrived as hoped, we were going to once more attempt Plan A - The Excursion. But sans hearing, it would be a very long morning for him…...

So Plan B was next – get DJ up, breakfasted, settled with the newspaper and dozing in his chair, and TH and I would slip out for the 2.5 hours, get home ASAP and take DJ out for his lunch……..

Yesterday, when TH and I were both here all day, DJ slept…….. from 7pm Friday night, until I got him up for his breakfast at 11.40am Saturday, with just brief ‘ups’ at 10.20pm, 5am, 7am…… he then slept in his chair as often as my back was turned, getting increasingly angry that I wouldn’t let him go to his bed…….. about 5pm we took him out on wheels to the park (no – not on rollerskates – tho there’s a certain attraction in the thought….), and he had a bit of a walk as well – not very willingly, I’m afraid, but ‘Taking Exercise’ is An Important Requirement. So we managed to prolong ‘up’ until about 6.15pm. Even – just – managed to achieve the minimum of 2 litres intake required for the day (always more difficult at a w/e). So at last to his bed …… another good night (especially for us) re just up at 11.30pm and settled quickly….. and Plan B seemed like a real possibility……..

No chance.

The proverbial ‘cat on hot bricks’ would not have rated even close at 9.15am when we needed to leave. So – Plan C - TH left on his own. Again. I should be used to this sort of personal disappointment by now. Getting out on a Sunday is one of my Support Activities. Hasn’t been possible several times recently. Maybe ‘Hence The Blog’.

That this level of activity and restlessness usually links with DJ’s WC needs is usually of little comfort – his awareness and control of such is decreasing too. Part of his care needs. And so it was today. About 10mins after TH left – and now he’s dozing and dreaming – and looking for the ball at his feet that he’s convinced I threw just now………

Thank God for the Sunshine. It helps. Enormously. Have a Nice Day.