Saturday, 7 June 2008

Ranking with Royalty !

Today, ChickPea found she had ‘An Official Birthday’ – just like the Queen !

We’ll not go into the details of quite HOW this occurred (Protecting The Innocent).

(Oh yes – there HAD been a secret after all ! )

This has been a glorious sunny day – just like you’d want for your birthday. And I got presents ! And TH did all the cooking (that’s a real gift too). AND we had scones with jam and clotted cream for tea (never mind the cholesterol – it’s my birthday !)

Wot fun !

And we now have a Wii to play with ! (And it’s got NOTHING at all to do with incontinence………!)


TH thought There Was A Secret.

ChickPea just thought TH wasn’t interested.

She’d floated the idea of writing a Blog, and TH had been encouraging. Then, NOTHING. No enquiries as to any further thoughts/plans/ideas/attempts to do this. NOTHING. (She knew TH was tired, and busy at work, and a bit not well – but, well, these things somehow didn't seem relevant – she still hoped he might have asked her about the Blog).

So when, yet again TH the CWK was flogging his laptop, instead of trying to talk to him, or Being Bored watching telly, ChickPea just got out her windup laptop and got on with it. When floundering in the jargon and intricacies of Blog setting-up, she got on with it or Tried What She Though Was Required, then took time out to Wait And See What Happened. And she did it. It Worked. And she wuz dead chuffed.

And TH Thought There Was A Secret. (Some chance !)

But – There Wasn’t. Just one of those Elephant Pits of Communication Failure. So now ChickPea had discovered what a ‘URL’ might be, she could email the Blog’s one to TH.

Is a ‘Secret Shared’ a ‘Secret Halved’ – or a ‘Secret Doubled’ ?