Sunday, 19 April 2020

.... of sunshine .......

Giving thanks today for sunshine …. even MORE sunshine that is.  The West of Scotland is not famous for sunshine, so when it visits us Life Feels Special.  And amazingly, over these last 4 weeks the sun has been with us for most of each day. 

4 weeks.  Already 4 weeks.  A month.  Every day of which feels like a lifetime….

Bereavement is difficult at any time, and, in our present scenario of lockdown and social distancing because of the Coronovirus Covid-19 Pandemic, I guess now is as challenging a time as any for learning to cope with/accept the grief that overwhelms ….. and eventually to rediscover how to live alone again.  

Apologies.  I thought I could get a grip today and Communicate. But words are eluding me.  
I guess today has been a good day.  Today being Sunday, I celebrated by (1) Getting up at 9am to let the dogs out for a comfort break and breakfast, and then (2) we all went back to bed to indulge in a Long Lie.  
Once I finally crawled out from under the duvet we hit the park for half an hour, and then I was relieved to find I could spend an hour or so Engaging With The Stuff That Needs Attention.  
My initial attempts are about just going through whichever area of the house is being tackled, and sifting related things into the same place, and then what remains into recyclable goods and rubbish.  Outlets for things that need to be re-homed are not available just now because of lockdown, so I have the luxury of having to take my time over The Sorting.  
Once current restrictions are lifted I am hoping to be able to have achieved enough organisation to have bagged items ready to take to the identified destinations…… and thereby reduce my current overwhelming chaos into a more manageable (and less daunting) Project.

That is The Intention. Meantime The Dogs Need To Go Out.

Thank you for your company. Be safe.  Hang on to sanity with me, and we’ll see where we can get to along this rocky road.