Friday, 19 June 2009

The Mr Mutt Medley (Part I)

As you may know, Mr Mutt is an ageing border collie who has lived with ChickPea and TH for nearly 3 years – as a ‘rescued Dog’ from Dumfries in September 2006. Since he moved in, we have experienced our ‘ups and downs’ as you might say. He has issues.

One – or some – of these involve his rather sharp teeth. ‘Crocodile’ is a label he earned from my brother – having been on the receiving end.

And the reason ? – Well, we’re not sure. ‘Badness’ does not seem to ring true to the character who has been slowly emerging. When the worst has happened, he has seemed as surprised as anyone, and has frequently been ‘completely out of character’ as you might say – almost like a knee jerk reaction has been triggered.

Does it relate to his past ? Has Something Bad happened to him in his previous life ? Given that, at one stage, he frequently awoke (spontaneously – no discernible potential trigger factor) snarling and snapping, it does seem likely that he had awoken from a bad dream. Are dreams always related to your own experience ? – I don’t know, but it does seem likely. This is gradually becoming a less regular occurrence – thankfully.

We shall never know what this fine fellow has been subjected to in his past life. But we shall make every effort to ensure his future can be as ok an experience for him as is possible.

Anyway. Since he arrived, TH has been concerned about a wart on Mr Mutt’s head and a soft lump on his left foreleg. Mr Mutt seemed oblivious to both of these, but as they have been slowly getting bigger, The Time Had Come to deal with them (Mr Mutt knocking the top off the wart so that it bled being a factor). Minor surgery would be required, teeth could be checked at the same time (we’ve not been inclined to investigate his mouth since The Crocodile emerged – tho he was fine about this when he first joined us). A ‘Routine Blood Test was required, and duly achieved and sent off for processing.......

ChickPea was an NHS Health Professional for many years, but Understanding Blood was never a strong point. Mr Mutt’s analysis revealed horrendously low platelets. Repeated test was much the same. ‘Overwhelming Infection’ did not look like the cause – so a bone marrow disorder became the likely answer. This was a couple of weeks ago. A few days later a hole appeared in his flank, draining serous-like fluid and maybe some pus – evidently an abscess was at least a part of the diagnosis. Astonishingly, rather than getting worse – as anticipated - this has healed steadily with his medications, and apart from a very ‘down’ day over the 24 hours before the abscess drained itself, Mr Mutt has been in fairly reasonable spirits. (So has The Vet. Which may relate to The Bill. You know how it goes).

Anyway. So far so good.

We are still on this rocky path of discovery – is there an underlying condition? If so, will the steroids control it? As the steroids make him very thirsty, will he still be peeing for Europe most hours of the day and night, or will this reduce as the dose decreases?

But also - has this abscess been a factor in the biting? Has it been developing over months, rather than days? It seems to me – now - that his occasional biting at his back and scratching at his side were more likely related to this abscess than our assumption of fleas – and would explain why we never found evidence of fleas, and standard flea responses did not seem to affect his behaviour.

He seems comfortable – flat out on the rug just now, instantly alert to any move I might make – especially if this involves the kitchen ! He’s not a young dog. But it’d be good to share our lives with him for a while longer. We’re only just getting to know him.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Somewhat Later Than Anticipated

There seem to be a number of us bloggers who Aren’t Just Now........

ChickPea – as one of the aforesaid company - has been sans Muse and directing her energies in one or two alternative directions..................into her current regular working hours (being “ 3hrs paid Mon-Fri workout” – alternatively known as School Domestic Duties), a very few paid office hours (only a few – but a welcome start along the new path, and providing a wee tad of affirmation), voluntary reception hours, voluntary office filing assistance, choir stuff, dog walking, cat care (tho our Holiday Visitor has now returned home), household chores, some job applications (largely sidelined just now in aiming to allow time to devote to her remaining ECDL modules), ECDL attention (aiming to support office working credibility)........... occasional (precious) snippets of time spent social networking..... gaining more job application rejections (wow).......and being Major Grouchy cos blitzed with a head cold for the last week........

Not much excitement or avid brain activity to provide ready cannon fodder to blog about........

Occasional visits to her favourite blogging community sites have been happening intermittently, but few of these show much recent activity, causing concern – are they ok ? – would a comment help ? - or would a comment be irritating ? ...... or maybe there’s Something In The Air.......... certainly many of us appear to be caught in the out-of-employment-morass or similar-life-sapping-struggles which tend to undermine the very best of blogging intentions .........

...........anyway........ 2 days ago ChickPea decided to commit to making a comment ....... didn’t seem too demanding a venture........... oh yes, need to just log on first.........oh *(expletive)* ...... what’s the password then....haven’t used it in a while but the brain must hold it somewhere........ not THAT one then......... nor that........... nor that.......oh dear........

OK. This can be dealt with........ all you do is follow the onscreen she did.......after a few circuits of these she decided enuff wuz enuff......... gave up. .....dispirited.....

The Next Day she discovered that The Process had just been being a tad slow(er than she thought it would be)....... SO...... here - at last - is proof that The Grim Reaper Has Not Yet Whisked Her Away - she still exists, can still use a keyboard ............ and is still a computer numpty.....................

..............loadsaluv, x