The dog-shaped gap in the household has been unbearable. Thank you to the West Calder Dogs’ Trust for providing a new family member to enliven our lives.......
Monday, 26 July 2010
Sunday, 18 July 2010
A New Star has Entered Heaven
A much loved friend died recently, aged just 51. We maybe didn’t see him often – one of those people you hope to get to know better in the future. He was one of those rare people who brings sunshine and hope into a dark day, who finds an unexplored corner in your troubled situation which proves to hold a key to a way forward. A fine guitarist, adept mediator, coffee connoisseur, encourager of the downhearted........ a thoroughly fine chap. Words are inadequate to describe him. His passing leaves an unfillable gap in very many lives. May you rest in peace, Tim.
Reluctant Christian
It occurs that maybe I mis-named this blog. Maybe I should re-name it the name of this post. ‘RC’, even. (Now, THAT might be fun – limitless potential for confusion - I’m sure I could find all sorts of interpretations of ‘RC’, eh .....)
So why didn’t I ? Come to that, why don’t I........... why won’t I ?
Part of it is the intervening history of this label ‘Christian’. Christ, the historical person, MUST have been quite a man. To have influenced individual people to such a degree that they gave their lives to take His teaching throughout the world and effect such an impact upon the globe, the Man Who Started It All MUST have been Quite A Man.
But also over the intervening hundreds – ok, thousands - of years , many, many crimes have been committed under the banner of ‘Christianity’. Do I REALLY want to be associated with such a history by embracing the label of ‘Christian’ ?
You see where I’m coming from ?
But what of ‘The Man’ – that astonishing figure that started it all – without the assistance of newspaper, TV or internet.
And what of the remarkable people – both males and females - who have been astonished, inspired and motivated to positively influence, astonish and inspire the world – all through their own personal understandings and encounters with ‘The Man’. Many of whom gave up their lives because they refused to deny this faith.
Maybe I do feel reluctant – and perhaps scared – to wear the label of ‘Christian’. If this means ‘being Christ-like’, seeing the world ‘with the eyes of Christ’, caring as passionately about the world as did ‘The Man’ himself, extending love to those who need love - then rather a lot seems to be required.
So – REJECT all this ‘church’ and ‘Christ’ stuff - why bother with the whole ‘Christianity’ thing at all ?
Well....... there’s the heart of the question. Try as I have through the years to turn away from this way of life, the integral demands involved, the personal questions and challenges raised........... Try as I may, turn and run.....wherever........however............. whatever.......... I keep meeting the essential truth and challenge of ‘The Man’.......Christ himself........... and repeatedly encounter that amazing love that will not let you go..........
‘Reluctant Christian’ ? ........ Too right. But, somehow, and equally, ‘Committed Christian’.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
“I am a collie dog – and I can run, and run, and run all day...............”

Our beloved MurphyMutt took his heritage very seriously. He was a Border Collie dog, and collies are loyal, and responsible, and collies are bred to run all day.
As a mature ‘rescued’ dog, he was a chap with a past – and we shall never know quite what that history held. That he ‘had issues’ is beyond question, but he was such an honest dog that for these there were probably good reasons buried deep in that past.
Over the last few weeks he had slowed down a bit – it seemed likely to be the heat, it was getting to me, and he was an old dog, after all........ but TH felt there was more..... and when I thought about it, I had to agree that he was probably right........
The vet agreed he was looking basically ok.......... but his temperature was way, way up..... this was not only unexpected, but indicated we had a very ill dog, even tho he didn’t look it..........
Over the next week his experienced but perplexed vet tried industrial doses of each and every medication that could reasonably be expected to bring his fever down.....his bloods were essentially ok, but his liver function was deteriorating....we gave him ice cubes in his drinking water, and he was thrilled to be allowed more ice cream than any dog should ever EVER eat....... but each day his temperature was a little higher.... to a level beyond that where he should have been fitting........... he just looked a little more apologetic...... and increasingly weary....... he was no longer managing to jump accurately into the car........ he stopped eating his most favourite treat of an apple....... and then, on Tuesday, dog food became too much effort to eat, and we knew there could be no more hope....... and his temperature was even higher - now 107.5...... and tho he was still clearly enjoying cat treats, and taking them oh, so very, very gently, we knew that time had run out ........... such a fine, brave dog should not be expected to have to stay with us any longer.
The time had come to allow him rest.
Our beloved collie dog, who had just spent 20 minutes padding round the local park, walking, and walking, and walking....... who would not stop....... doggedly placing one foot in front of the other, and holding in his head and in his heart “I am a collie dog, and I can run, and run, and run all day..............” .
......... and now, at last, he can run easily...... and free......... in Elysian fields.
As a mature ‘rescued’ dog, he was a chap with a past – and we shall never know quite what that history held. That he ‘had issues’ is beyond question, but he was such an honest dog that for these there were probably good reasons buried deep in that past.
Over the last few weeks he had slowed down a bit – it seemed likely to be the heat, it was getting to me, and he was an old dog, after all........ but TH felt there was more..... and when I thought about it, I had to agree that he was probably right........
The vet agreed he was looking basically ok.......... but his temperature was way, way up..... this was not only unexpected, but indicated we had a very ill dog, even tho he didn’t look it..........
Over the next week his experienced but perplexed vet tried industrial doses of each and every medication that could reasonably be expected to bring his fever down.....his bloods were essentially ok, but his liver function was deteriorating....we gave him ice cubes in his drinking water, and he was thrilled to be allowed more ice cream than any dog should ever EVER eat....... but each day his temperature was a little higher.... to a level beyond that where he should have been fitting........... he just looked a little more apologetic...... and increasingly weary....... he was no longer managing to jump accurately into the car........ he stopped eating his most favourite treat of an apple....... and then, on Tuesday, dog food became too much effort to eat, and we knew there could be no more hope....... and his temperature was even higher - now 107.5...... and tho he was still clearly enjoying cat treats, and taking them oh, so very, very gently, we knew that time had run out ........... such a fine, brave dog should not be expected to have to stay with us any longer.
The time had come to allow him rest.
Our beloved collie dog, who had just spent 20 minutes padding round the local park, walking, and walking, and walking....... who would not stop....... doggedly placing one foot in front of the other, and holding in his head and in his heart “I am a collie dog, and I can run, and run, and run all day..............” .
......... and now, at last, he can run easily...... and free......... in Elysian fields.
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