Thursday, 22 May 2008


DJ was looking a bit grumpy. Often happens when he feels neglected – I’d been trying to learn how to blog, and then getting lunch. Oh yes – and no sunshine. Net result, DJ feeling low and neglected.

Well, life is much too short for that, so out with the SAD lamp to offset the weather, and out with the dominoes to stop him moving away from the light ….. and to keep his eyes open. Helps the SAD light take effect.

Do you play dominoes ? DJ does. For hours and hours and hours if he gets half a chance. And, miracle of miracles, concentration is never a problem when he’s playing dominoes.

It looks easy. Easy Peasy. Especially when you’re just playing against Someone With Dementia.

Forget it.

Eight games, and he hammered me every time. Even when he had a handful of doubles. I tell you, the Force is with him. And he knows it. There’s that wee smile creeps across his face. Makes it all worthwhile.

But he still tells the day centre that he can’t play dominoes and doesn’t want to learn……….


Koala Kate said...

Hiya Chickpea!
Glad to be able to chat + look fwd to accessing some extremely useful info here. You seem to be doing a pretty fab job -- the Health Prof background is certainly useful, innit?! but yr heart has to be in it too...
My Mum was officially diagnosed with dementia about a year ago & currently is just "pleasantly forgetful", but she's getting increasingly muddled/anxious at times, and I think it may only be a matter of time until I have to arrange time off work (i.e. re-negotiate the contract) to be able to help out more effectively.
I don't have a cat, but 2 dogs instead, one of which has epilepsy..
I don't have a hubby, but a Resident Friend who is still renegotiating his own way in life after what is classically called a "Nervous Breakdown", some years ago.
All in all, steady progress happening on all fronts, it seems. Sometimes it's hard to Smile Awhile as you recommend, but it's true there are blessings in my life, and always It Could Be Worse!
Will catch up again soon.
have a good weekend!

ChickPea said...

Hi Koala Kate

Great to meet you online….. sorry it has taken me a while to respond to you - I’m still learning these ropes, and this is my FIFTH attempt to publish a comment to you ! All seemed to go well – then NUTHIN’ ! ….. guess it must have worked ok this time.
…… Friends…. Penpals….. Bloggermates…… When the world is full of such lovely people, even the most demanding/challenging/horrid/most difficult things and situations can be survived, maybe even surmounted - and a smile can creep thru into the most unexpected corners. It’s always good to share a smile.
Hope the Sun Shone for you this weekend.