Monday 23 June 2008

Monday again........

Ahhhhhhhhhhh…….. THAT’s better !

Now – what is ChicKPea talking about ?

Is it that DJ slept better last night ? – He DID, as it happens – right thru from about 12.30mn until he was heard coughing at 6.30am…….. and then he tried to get himself up, so had to be lifted up off the floor at 7am….. But – see what a difference those 5 hrs’ sleep made for ChickPea – you’d not recognize her today after that grouchy thing you’ve been meeting over these last few days……. !

Is it that DJ kept his clothes on last night, so that Disseminated Trouble Was Averted ? – Well, it could well be, because he did and it was. But there is something else too…….

There was something ChickPea didn’t tell you last Monday, because it was much much too mortifying….. especially as she thought for most of the day that it was a really GOOD day, and we cooked up a fine Risotto if you recall……

But last week she actually had 2 appointments on the Monday morning……. Carefully organized to synchronize. Firstly at the doc’s for a (fasting!) blood sample (aye – skyhigh cholesterol runs in her genes, and trying to curb the dietary intake isnae working, nor wiz the previous type of statin tried….). Then away jus’ roun’ the corner to the hairdressers……. Had she remembered on Sunday night and been fasting she jus’ might have remembered and it would have been ok….. as it was, there was no recall at all until mid-afternoon, when she checked her diary about the arrangements she thought were for Friday ………..


I blame the tiredness, myself. I think, had she been getting enough sleep and been on the same planet as the rest of us, and somewhere near sanity of mind, the appointments would have been attended. Hey ho.

So………What is the answer ?

The Answer Is – she got her hair done at last ! (Similar feeling of achievement as mowing the lawn…….. not that her hair is green, or anything……)


Anonymous said...

Hi ChickPea -
I also just stopped by for a look and read almost the whole thing...good stuff. Isn't it just a little bit comforting to know that we're not alone? Funny but I guess that's one of the things our "caretakers" worry about a lot... fear of being alone, a pretty basic human emotion.

I started a blog at AlzTalk but haven't put a lot on it yet. I'm afraid if I get going too much with all that I have to say and the questions I have to ask, that I may overload the internet. j/k hahaha

Again, good stuff. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think you would suit green hair, Chickpea!

ChickPea said...

Hi Jimlasvegas - good to meet you. Even better to hear you too have started a blog - I am finding this unbelievably therapeutic. i challenge you - see if you or I can fill up the internet first ! If you dare, give us your blog details (that's the URL isn't it ? - I'm such an ignoramus re computer jargon....) - and I will make sure I finally find out how to put the 'links' bit on here - cos it'd be good to tag Kenny's blog on too....( I'll give him whut fur fur 'green hair' !!!!)