Thursday, 5 June 2008


So what accords ‘Porridge’ the merit of being such a High Blessing ?

Are you a morning person ? I confess that I am NOT – more of ‘an owl’ than ‘a lark’ (usually. Sometimes DJ gets me up in the wee sma’ hours, I cannae get back to sleep and the Lark Manifests… Always a shock to the system).

I grew up with a Mum who endeavoured to keep the Feast of Breakfast not only Interesting but Unpredictable. This must have been enormously demanding with 3 ravenous kids, but was presumably A Ploy To Get Them Out Of Their Beds in the morning. Not sure it worked. But it certainly merits 100 out of 10 For Effort.

That DJ is addicted to porridge is Very Helpful. When he’ll eat nothin’ else, he’ll ALWAYS eat Porridge. His swallowing is always ok when he’s eating his porridge - and he doesn’t fall asleep when he’s eating his porridge.

All of which helps create a Much Less Challenging Morning ……….. which has to be A Good Thing.

PS. Porridge is also said to help lower your cholesterol levels. TH and DJ both have very low counts. I don’t. I blame the genes, personally………

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