Thursday 3 July 2008

" 4 and 6 words"

Yes – ChickPea remembers she made a promise. At that time, the words which collected together to describe where she was at were “rested, balanced(ish), trusting, pensive…….”. Basically, ok.

Since then TH and ChickPea have been having to face the stark current realities of our life, and recognizing the minefield which has to be traversed. Realistically, for DJ’s care, there is no other choice. And reluctantly, very reluctantly and very sadly, TH and ChickPea are taking the first steps for him into the minefield……..

Now it has to be 6 words, and these have to be “very sad, utterly realistic, very many tears……….”.

You can see or guess where we’re at. ……….


Anonymous said...

Aye! There comes a time when the hard decisions have to be made. Our Gethsemanes!

All I can do is keep praying for you all.

But keep the flabby bits! They belong to you and you've earned them!

scotsfran said...

My thoughts are with you - tough times indeed. You will find the strength to get through this...but DO call on friends for a break/chat/diversion/support...whatever you need!

ChickPea said...

Thank you, Kenny and Fran - your kindness is a much appreciated support.

Life has rocky bits, and rainy bits, foggy times and muddy places for each of us. As you so rightly say, Kenny. Thank you.

Sunshine will come.