Tuesday 5 August 2008

"Socks.......... JUST what I always wanted......."

By the time you get to read this, TH will have Reached His Annual Auspicious Day. This year, ChickPea had Time To Prepare. Before the Partnership Blessing on Saturday, she dashed off into town to get TH a present. And what…. ?

Well, of course, there IS only one possible answer. What does the Man Who Has Everything always need ?

EXACTLY. Socks. So that’s what she got.

Now, for some obscure reason, TH does not much like getting socks. Through the years, ChickPea has given him cheap socks, good socks, silly socks, fancy socks, warm socks, Cool sox, Very Silly socks and Unbelievably Expensive socks – and his response is usually much the same……


She got him a book as well (about a puppy – aaaaaaaahhhhhh...)

TH never seems to read the books ChickPea buys for him. But he loves reading books……… (other books)……… So – she got him a book as well.

Happy Birthday, TH !

(Now…… how long d’you suppose it took before TH looked inside the front cover of the book, read the wee ‘post-it’ note, turned this over as directed to read the back of the ‘post-it’ note, and discovered there was another parcel hidden in the top cupboard downstairs……….. ?
(a) less than 0.03 seconds; (b) 0.03 seconds; (c) more than 3 minutes (plus prompting…..)

So - Now, at last, Him’n’Her can both play the Wii that TH bought (them) for ChickPea’s Unofficial Birthday a few months back ! ! )


scotsfran said...

Happy Birthday TH!

Anonymous said...

And welcome to the Wii Community! It's pure dead brilliant! The RW even has Wii Fit now, and it' fair taken some pounds off and introduced her to yoga too!

Layclerk said...

Ooh a Wii, I'll be over soon! I'll bring the whisky.


ChickPea said...

Thanks Fran - TH was dead chuffed to receive your greeting here !

Kenny - good to know wii now stand a chance of getting fit...... assuming wii take it out of the box, that is !

Hi lay clerk - wii look 4wd to your arrival - tho ChickPea assumes that by 'whisky' you MEANT 'port'....!

Layclerk said...

Clearly that's exactly what I meant. Dyslexic fingers apparently!


ChickPea said...

PS.Lay Clerk - forget both port and whisky - we've got several need finishing - jus' get on over !