Friday 19 September 2008

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Yup – no kiddin’ ! Today is “International Talk Like A pirate Day” ! ChickPea heard it on the BBC (Radio 4, at about 9am) – so it MUST be true !!

Avast, shipmates ! Shiver me timbers, but we need to get a grip here and sort out landlubbers from crew and make the place shipshape ! So wot’s to do ‘ere, then, wastin’ time on yon elekteronic gadjit an’ wearin’ out the sofa. Climb the riggin’ – an’ get hunkered down to business – else there’ll need to be some walkin’ of the plank………


Layclerk said...

Indeed it be TLAP day, but I forgot to Blog about it this morning. Instead I've spent much of the day tormenting my colleagues with random cries of "Avast me hearties!", and "Aye Aye!"

I need to get out more. Yarr.

Working Mum said...

Avast, ye! I thought it had been made up by!

Is the sun past the yard arm, yet?
(Is it time for a drink?)

Layclerk said...

The sun always be over the yardarm somewhere in the seven seas, so it be time fer a drink anytime, working mum!


Can Bass 1 said...

Oh, damn! I've missed out on all the fun.