Tuesday 6 January 2009


There she was, ChickPea working steadily on the computer, conscientiously wading through her Outlook ‘Inbox’ and doing some (much needed) tidying up. All was going well. Considering the time of night and distraction levels of the TV and TH ………..

When……oops……..’NOW what’ve I done ?’ she thought….. Quietly……… To Herself. …………….

TH was rather close by………… but maybe busy enough not to notice……… HOW ON EARTH could the screen picture thingie rotate itself COMPLETELY by 180 degrees without so much as a ‘by the way, I’m going to…….’ ?! (HELP !)


She was sure she should be able to fix it. Herself. She’d just completed a module of the ECDL after all…… What had she done – had she pressed those keys ?....... mebbe…… wonder if repeating might sort it……. noooooooo…….. never mind, should be sortable from the desktop screen……..found the desktop…….right click………ummmmmmmmm…….not convinced that was right - tho it’s kind of tricky when it’s all upside down, and the cursor is moving back to front…….. (and TH is right by her left elbow……….but apparently not noticing)…………HOW is he not noticing ? …. (miracles DO still happen….)……………….maybe shutting it down and turning it off will sort it out……………….


…………..perhaps leave it till tomorrow………..maybe it’ll repent after a night off………….



Yup, ChickPea wuz having a fun time before Christmas. .......................

(Sorry - What was that ? – Oh ! – YES - She DID get it sorted out the next day, with technical guidance from The College, and yes, it was thru that right click on the ‘desktop’ manoeuvre (just a step beyond where she’d got to whilst trying to read, think and re-orientate upside down………)

................and now I guess she’ll find out how often TH is reading her blog………!


Layclerk said...

Or whether TH's friends, who read her Blog, can keep their mouths shut!

Pint of IPA for me please, if you're going to the bar! Thanks.

ChickPea said...

Ok pal ! (But you'll need to wait a fortnight till I get my first pay cheque !!) x

George Tarasuk said...

I truly hate these problems. By day, I'm a less than average tech guy.

Your first inclination to shut down and re-start is my ace in the hole remedy. Just this morning my boss's Blackberry decided to stop receiving messages. I shut it down, took the battery out, and now it's working like a charme.

When they work, life is beautiful!

Layclerk said...

How's the job going anyway?

ChickPea said...

Thank for asking.....
Aye - ask me another ! Seriously tho - I'm absolutely knackered in the evening when I get back - tonight will be an experience as the cathedral choir rehearsal will be just a very VERY quick garment-change after work..............
Ask me again next week - you know this thing called 'being fit' - it tends to be VERY specific to the requirement......and I've not 'got fit' for this yet..... Tho my 'routine' is developing, and I (think) I got thru everything expected in the time allowed/available last night.......