Saturday, 29 May 2010

Time for a Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Trial......

A friend was ‘talking scientific’ the other day, and describing their need to organize life somewhat and double check recent experience and insight by conducting a related double-blinded randomized controlled trial.
As you may know, if you have followed this blog, my former life – before I became a fulltime carer – was closely aligned with clinical practice based on insight from scientific trials.  I realised there was something missing from my current life........


Tonight is Friday.  Monday is a Public Holiday.
So...... Tonight I decided to run my OWN double-blinded randomized controlled trial. 

Test substance :    fine bottle of Vintage Port
Randomized :        glass is being put anywhere within reasonable reach – aiming to be at least 90 degrees re-aligned each placement
Controlled:            because I measure the liquid very VERY carefully into the glass .... none spilled ........ 150mls each pouring.....
Double-Blinded :  Yup, I’m keeping ma eyes closed each time ah swallow..... ( I guess I COULD wear a blindfold, but it'd make pouring inaccurate........)

“How’s it going ?”
Very nicely, Thank You.  Thanks for calling by – have a great weekend.     x

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